Monday, November 17, 2008

Clubus Penguinus

Hi. Club Penguin is COOL!! Theres a new game and I'm pretty happy. The only problem is it won't load. It's pretty sucky, but my parents are all 'get over yourself ' and I'm all ' okay, fine pushy ' and there all ' we're not pushy now go to your room ' so it hasn't been too great. And speaking of Club Penguin the offical science name for it is Clubus Penguinus. Cool, huh? Now I can scientifically bond Clubus Penguinus with Cookius Yumminess to make the perfect after school snack AND awesome website! Yay! Okay, is there really a scientific name for Clubus-I mean, Club Penguin? Umm, I forgot the question... :)

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