Saturday, November 29, 2008

Carly, Queen of Awesomeness

I decided to call her the queen of awesomeness 'cuz she always writes "awesomeness" on the Expo board in my den. Carly is my BFF, Best Female Friend! Or, Best Friends Forever, for whoever thinks thats what it stands for. Seeya real soon, at! Not .net.
.Net is for losers.


frozensparks21 said...

duh she told me that uim like i know but whatever

frozensparks21 said...

ps i removed ur post cuz i dont want u on my blog saying that carly (your so called "friend") and i are losers. plus, i was joking. do you think that just because you have a .com in your email makes you NOT a loser?

Brianaaaa (: said...

hey jane, nice talking to you

frozensparks21 said...

lol sry

isnt the word thing weird? its telling me to spell guallyp! they could at least use actual words.